Friday, September 30, 2022

Friday, September 30th

 Hello Families!

Some of the exciting things that we did this week were:

- Present reader's theatre plays to our 1/2 buddy class.  They performed Sleeping Beauty, Goldilocks and the Three Bears and the Elves and the Shoemaker.  The group performing Jack and the Beanstalk will be presenting on Monday.Feedback from the buddies was that they really enjoyed it and want them to present again soon, which thrilled our class, as they have worked very hard to perfect their character voices, volume and fluency.

- Went on a walking field trip with the two other 5/6 classrooms to observe interactions between the environment and the community, as well as spend time connecting with the land on Orange Shirt Day.  Students engaged in two sketching sessions, in which they chose a sit spot to sketch a living thing and a sound mapping task where they were asked to close their eyes and listen to sounds around them.  They then recorded what they heard using pictures and words with fonts that matches the sound.

- As we are focusing on Government and Democracy in Social Studies, students participated in discussion about "Why do we have Rules?"  Students made connections to safety, clarity for everyone and fairness.  They then worked together to brainstorm rules that exist a home, school and in their neighbourhood.  The conversation then moved to talking about who makes the rules in these settings, and eventually we began discussing who makes decisions about rules in Calgary, Alberta and Canada.   

- Began exploring patterns.  Students made strong connections to where they can find pattern in everyday life and also began working on increasing, or growing patterns, and finished off the week by working on task that required them to find a pattern rule from collected data, plot the data on a graph and create a table.  Some student seven explored increasing patterns with missing variables.

- On Thursday we attended the Orange Shirt Day assembly hosted by Rooms 10 and 12.  They did a fantastic job at honoring the day and setting up the students for a reflective day of learning.  In our class students watched a video (link below) to discuss the meaning of reconciliation and also talked about the purpose of Orange Shirt Day.  We also discuss what being an ally means and brainstormed ways that they can learn about and support indigenous communities.  They then created a page in their visual journals that represents Every Child Matters" and chose one thing that they will try to do to to continue to learn about indigenous culture and communities.  Some examples were: read stories listen to music by indigenous people, read the calls to action, support clean drinking water campaigns, correct people who say unkind things, read the calls to action and buy indigenous made products.

CBC Kids News: "What is Reconciliation?" - 


- Monday, October 3rd - School Picture Day

- Thursday, October 6th - Feastival Pick-Up in LBS parking lot from 2:15pm - 4:00pm

- Monday, October 10th - Thanksgiving Day - No School

*** We are still looking for parent volunteers to join us at City Hall School the week of October 31st-November 4th!  You do not need to be available all five days to volunteer.  We would be happy for you to have you with us one or more days.  Volunteers must have an up to date police clearance to join us.  If you would like to have one completed or check the status of you current clearance, please contact the LBS front office for information ***

Friday, September 23, 2022

Friday, September 23rd, 2022

Hello Families,

Some of the exciting things that we did this week were:

- Participating and discussing several important dates/events that took place this week; marking the passing of Queen Elizabeth II with a CBE wide moment of silence, taking part in the Terry Fox Run and reflecting on what peace means to each of us on the the International Day of Peace

- Discussing the importance of complete and descriptive sentences, by working with subject and predicate work and identifying sentence fragments and creating complete ones. Students also began looking a simple sentences and how to effectively change them into descriptive compound sentences.

- Continuing to explore place value up to the 10 millions by participating in a number scavenger hunt, practicing the various ways to express a number, finding examples of where we find place value in the real world and demonstrating their understanding by creating a personalized reflection piece.

- Participating in our first sit spot with our buddies.  Students gathered in the school garden and found a spot that felt peaceful.  They then selected a living thing to sketch, applying taught techniques, followed by recording descriptive labels.  Students acted as helpful buddies by guiding their buddies in setting up their sketchbook page with the date, season and temperature, as well as labelling their sketches. 

- Gathering to celebrate the LBS community at the open house.  It was wonderful to meet parents, have students give them a tour of the classroom and for families to have a chance to connect in our schoolyard. Thank you to Parent Council for providing the delicious ice cream treat!

- We are still looking for parent volunteers to join us at City Hall School the week of October 31st-November 4th!  You do not need to be available all five days to volunteer.  We would be happy for you to have you with us one or more days.  Volunteers must have an up to date police clearance to join us.  If you would like to have one completed or check the status of you current clearance, please contact the LBS front office for information. 

- Scholastic book orders went home today.  If you would like to order online, our class code is: RC756002


- September 23rd - No School:  Organizational Day

- September 27th - Vaccines for Grade 6

- September 27th - Last Day for Freezer Feastival Orders!

- September 29th - Orange Shirt Day

- September 30th - No School:  National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 

- October 3rd - School Picture Day

Friday, September 16, 2022

Friday, September 16th, 2022

Hello Families!

Some of the exciting things that we did this week were:

- Exploring our essential question for this year, "Old Enough to Make Change".  Student brainstormed what types go things that they are old enough to do.  Some responses were; walk to the store by themselves, babysit, cook a meal, save money, have a later bed time, care for a pet and many more.  As we consider to explore this idea, students will begin to make connections to not only their everyday life, but the potential impact that they can have on other peoples' lives.

- Reviewing what students already knew about place vale and building upon that knowledge to explore place value up to the ten millions place.  To do this, students played games, utilized Montessori materials, collaborated in sorting and ordering activities, solving for mystery numbers based on clues, and representing numbers in multiple numerical forms and words.

- Went on a walking field trip with our buddy class to a near by green space to learn not in and from nature.  Our class did an amazing job modelling being safe crossing the streets and staying within the designated boundaries, as well as engaging their buddies in friendly conversation and the trip activities   So many exciting things were taking place on our trip; observing seasonal changes, an alphabet nature scavenger hunt, name building with nature materials found at the park, and insect exploration (so many ladybugs!)

- Made a lot of progress on our name mandalas.  See a few of our beautiful finished ones below.

Terry Fox!

- Lake Bonavista School is proud to be participating in this year’s Terry Fox School Run. Our run will take place on Wednesday, September 21 at 12:40pm following Room 2’s sharing assembly. Let’s get our fundraising going and show everyone how we can “Try like Terry”! To donate: Together, we can all make a difference. 

#terryfoxschoolruns #tryliketerry @terryfoxfoundation 


- September 21st Terry Fox Run and International Peace Day

- September 22nd - Open House from 4:00pm - 6:00pm

- September 23rd - No School:  Organizational Day

- September 27th - Vaccines for Grade 6

- September 29th - Orange Shirt Day

- September 30th - No School:  National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 

- October 3rd - School Picture Day

Friday, September 9, 2022

September 9th, 2022

 Hello Families,

What a great week filled with continuing to get to know each other, learning classroom expectations and focusing in on the idea of "Identity".  Students have only just started exploring this idea on a personal level starting with their name and personal characteristics.  Throughout the year they will continue to see how their identity is a made up of many different aspects of their lives and the world around them.

Some other engaging things that we did this week were:

- Interviewed parents and family members about the their name.  They then shared their name story with their peers, created a piece of writing and began a name mandala.  Stay turned for pictures to come!

- Beginning to work on a reader's theatre performance in a small group.  Each group was given a common fairy tale and tasked with working together to choose parts, provide feedback, and get creative!  The excellent group work from all of the groups was wonderful to see.  Students will be continuing to develop their performance next week.

- Engaging in math games and multi-step word problems both individually and in small group, in order to have discussion on personalized strategies and efficiency.

- Meeting our little buddies for the first time!  We are buddy classes with Ms. Greenhall's Grade 1/2 class this year.  During our time together students learned about their buddy though a playing a get to know you board game, a drawing game and read a few stories together.  Everyone had a great time and said that they are looking forward to doing lots of exciting things together this year.

- Doing an excellent job during our first fire drill of the year.  Our class were great role models for the younger students during this time.


- September 12th - the school nurse will be at LBS to provide the Grade 6 Vaccination presentation related to Hepatitis B and HPV.

- September 21st Terry Fox Run and International Peace Day

- September 23rd - No School:  Organizational Day

- September 27th - Vaccines for Grade 6

- September 29th - Orange Shirt Day

- September 30th - No School:  National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 

Friday, September 2, 2022

September 2nd, 2022

 Hello Families,

It was so nice to have the opportunity to meet the students in Room 7 this year!  We had a great couple of days together and I'm looking forward to a year of growing together.  I can already tell that the students and I will have so much to share and learn from each other.

A few things that we did over the first couple of days were:

- Engaging in talks about schedules, routines and a classroom tour

- Discussing the classroom expectations of "Care for Yourself, Care for Others and Care for this Place".  Students came up with excellent ways that they can demonstrate these statements on a daily basis, both inside and outside the classroom, so that they are showing others their best self and contributing to LBS being a welcoming and caring place to belong to.

-  Brainstorming all the math vocabulary that they know to get their mathematician brain up and running, as well as setting up and planning for their math learning this year.

- Creating "Get to Know Me" math, by using numbers to tell others about themselves and then creating multiple math questions for others to solve, in order to learn about them.

- Using icons and multiple fonts to share their favourite things that they did over the summer

- Began working with their table groups on a digital escape room, which had them working together to solve various language and numeracy puzzles.  We'll be continuing this next week!

- Engaging in a few get to know you games and enjoyed connecting with the two other 5/6 classes outside.

Enjoy your long weekend!