Friday, January 27, 2023

Friday, January 27th, 2023

 Hello Families,

Here are some of the interesting things that we did this week:

- We had the opportunity to work with our amazing Artist in Residence Ms. Sharon!  The students had an amazing time learning about various art techniques, different mediums and the planning that goes into a large scale art piece.  Together we worked on a cooperative piece with the other Grade 5/6 classes, which connects to our year long learning of Old Enough to Make Change.  Stemming from our experience of recognizing the importance and influence that public art can have on a community, the students created an art piece to hang on the garden fence, which speaks to their knowledge of water, its significance in all of the places that it can be found and the importance of conservation.  Stay tuned for more information about when and where instillation will take place. 

- started the week with a basic division review.  Students made great connections by discussing how multiplication and division are the opposite of each other and reviewed related math vocabulary.  The worked on their basic fact fluency through playing math games and then moved into learning the process 
of long division.

Family Literacy Day! It was so nice to see families join us for a portion of our day and engage in some literacy tasks.  Just in case you missed it, below is a link to some literacy games that you can play at home.  All games can be personalized for every student to support wherever they are on their literacy journey.

Your child had the opportunity to listen to the Late French Immersion Program Presentation which is offered at David Thompson School in grade 7.  You can also visit the David Thompson School website for more information or contact Mrs. Isabelle Korpela, the Assistant Principal for specific questions.  Also, take a look at their upcoming Open House information.


- January 30th - Report cards are available to families online

- February 3rd - Professional Development Day - No school for students

- February 15th - Families, get ready to dance to infinity and beyond!  Tickets are available Lake Bonavista School Council invites you to our family dance event on February 15 from 6:30-8:00pm.  The event features family-friendly pricing ($10/family for advance tickets), a cake walk, raffle prizes, craft, and more.  DJ Big Deez will spin some tunes and we'll dance the night away.   Funds raised at this event will support Lake Bonavista School Parent Council, with 50% of proceeds being donated to a charity of our LBS students' choosing. 

Questions, raffle prize donations, and cake walk donations can be directed to Christine at or 587-894-0666. Please note the letter templates attached to this update.

- February 20th - Family Day - No school for students

- February 22nd - Upcoming Field Trip! - Students from grade 3 - 6 will have the opportunity t participate in the Calgary Hitmen TELUS Be Brave Game #endbullying game.  We are looking for two parent volunteers to attend this exciting event with us.  If you are interested, have a up to date police check, and have filled out the annual volunteer form, we would love for you to join us.  Please contact me via email.


Friday, January 20, 2023

Friday, January 20th, 2023

 Hello Families,

This week was another great week.  A few of the interesting things that we did were:

- continuing to practice our cursive writing by working on both upper and lowercase letters.

- creating presentations based on the Seven Sacred Teachings in small groups and presented them to the class.  Student groups focused on one teaching, read a related story to discover the moral and then came up with their own real world examples of how they can demonstrate these teachings themselves.  There were great connections being made and the collaboration within the groups was kind and supportive.

- Starting back up with daily Guest Reader.  Each day students sign up to a read short story to their peers.  Participation allows to students to practice reading with fluency, appropriate volume, expression and being in front of an audience.  Following each reading the class provides the readers with feedback in the form of two stars and one wish, so that students can apply it when preparing and presenting during their next reading.

- finishing off our learning specifically focused on multiplication, however this is not the end of multiplication, as it is woven throughout the curriculum.  Students will continue to build their confidence and fluency by frequently playing math games in class.  Math game bags will also be coming home soon to, (on rotation), as discussed at conferences in November.

- continuing our exploration of Canada's evolution over time, by looking at the history of voting rights, the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, and how the physical geography of the land and natural resources influenced where settlements were established.

*** As discusses at Parent-Teacher Conferences, I have sent home a bit of homework this weekend to be completed and returned on Monday.  It is a short reading comprehension.  This takes should take approximately 15-20 minutes.  The purpose of this small task is to help students get used to setting aside some time outside of school hours to complete work, in order to help prepare them for the homework demands of middle school. ***


- A resource guide from Child Safe Canada regarding 2023 Winter and Spring sessionscame home today

- Dear Grade 5/6 families,

    A reminder that the Recorder unit for students in rooms 7, 16, and 17 will be starting on February 1.

    If your student has a recorder from a previous year, it can be brought to school at any time up until            February 1.  I have encouraged the students to look for their recorders this week so that they have the ability to order before the deadline if they can't find them.

    If you wish to purchase a new recorder at a cost of $6.50, it is possible to do so in Powerschool until January 23.  I will place the recorder order on January 24 so we will hopefully have them by February 1.

    Thank you,

    Julie Kawchuk

Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday, January 13th, 2023

Happy New Year Families!

I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday filled with the things that bring you joy.  It was so nice to see all of the students again and hear about their time away.

A few of the interesting things that we did week were:

- continuing to work on strengthening their multiplication facts and efficiently using the step-by-step strategy to complete 3 digit by 2 digit multiplication problems.

- beginning to learn about items that exist in a home in French.  Students began learning vocabulary through reading and repeating words, as well as playing various games, such as bingo and "I have... who has...?".  Students then designed a mini foldable home of their choice using the vocabulary that they have been learning.

- continuing to learn about reconciliation and Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Doing, through students beginning to learn about the Seven Sacred Grandfather Teachings.  Each of the Seven Sacred Teachings honors the virtues necessary for a full and healthy life.  Each of the teaching is embodied by an animal to underscore the point that all actions and decisions made by man are manifested on a physical plain.  The animal world taught man how to live close to the earth; the connection that has been established between the animal world and the world of man instills a respect for all life in those who follow the traditional way.  These teachings blend extremely well with the Montessori pedagogy and students began their journey today making multiple strong connections between the two.

- We began using work journals! They are an integral part of the self-regulation and “freedom and responsibility” aspects of learning valued in Montessori education. It is a written account of how a student spends their day. It is not a place to take notes or plan future work; rather, it is more of a log recording what work and lessons the student has engaged in throughout each day. The student records the time they begin each separate work or lesson...and yes, there is even a lesson on the work journal! 

The work journal is also an introduction to time management, but more importantly, it serves as a tool of self-assessment. Students can look back on her day and assess how much time was spent on a certain work, or even what is lacking and needs extra attention. It is this initiative-taking that is so integral to the Montessori learning experience; an empowered student who is ultimately in charge of their work will be more deeply engaged with their work and the whole process.


-    Scholastic book orders went home today.  If you would like to order online, our class code is: RC756002

-   We will soon be starting a Recorder Unit for students in rooms 7, 16 and 17. Students will be able to learn to play Recorder with good tone and develop the ability to read Music (Music Program of Study).   

Grade 6 students may still have their recorder from when they were in grade 3.  If they would like to use this recorder, please ensure that it comes to school by Feb. 1.   

If you wish to purchase a new recorder at a cost of $6.50, it is possible to do so in Powerschool until January 23.   I will place the orders right away so that we will hopefully have our recorders by Feb. 1.  These are three-piece Suzuki recorders that come in a cloth bag with a cleaning wand and are excellent quality and tone. 


Recorders will be kept at school for the duration of the Recorder Unit and will be stored in the Music room.  Recorders will be sent home when we finish our Recorder Unit at the end of March.   


Thank you for your support of this very important music activity. 


Julie Kawchuk