Friday, January 13, 2023

Friday, January 13th, 2023

Happy New Year Families!

I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday filled with the things that bring you joy.  It was so nice to see all of the students again and hear about their time away.

A few of the interesting things that we did week were:

- continuing to work on strengthening their multiplication facts and efficiently using the step-by-step strategy to complete 3 digit by 2 digit multiplication problems.

- beginning to learn about items that exist in a home in French.  Students began learning vocabulary through reading and repeating words, as well as playing various games, such as bingo and "I have... who has...?".  Students then designed a mini foldable home of their choice using the vocabulary that they have been learning.

- continuing to learn about reconciliation and Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Doing, through students beginning to learn about the Seven Sacred Grandfather Teachings.  Each of the Seven Sacred Teachings honors the virtues necessary for a full and healthy life.  Each of the teaching is embodied by an animal to underscore the point that all actions and decisions made by man are manifested on a physical plain.  The animal world taught man how to live close to the earth; the connection that has been established between the animal world and the world of man instills a respect for all life in those who follow the traditional way.  These teachings blend extremely well with the Montessori pedagogy and students began their journey today making multiple strong connections between the two.

- We began using work journals! They are an integral part of the self-regulation and “freedom and responsibility” aspects of learning valued in Montessori education. It is a written account of how a student spends their day. It is not a place to take notes or plan future work; rather, it is more of a log recording what work and lessons the student has engaged in throughout each day. The student records the time they begin each separate work or lesson...and yes, there is even a lesson on the work journal! 

The work journal is also an introduction to time management, but more importantly, it serves as a tool of self-assessment. Students can look back on her day and assess how much time was spent on a certain work, or even what is lacking and needs extra attention. It is this initiative-taking that is so integral to the Montessori learning experience; an empowered student who is ultimately in charge of their work will be more deeply engaged with their work and the whole process.


-    Scholastic book orders went home today.  If you would like to order online, our class code is: RC756002

-   We will soon be starting a Recorder Unit for students in rooms 7, 16 and 17. Students will be able to learn to play Recorder with good tone and develop the ability to read Music (Music Program of Study).   

Grade 6 students may still have their recorder from when they were in grade 3.  If they would like to use this recorder, please ensure that it comes to school by Feb. 1.   

If you wish to purchase a new recorder at a cost of $6.50, it is possible to do so in Powerschool until January 23.   I will place the orders right away so that we will hopefully have our recorders by Feb. 1.  These are three-piece Suzuki recorders that come in a cloth bag with a cleaning wand and are excellent quality and tone. 


Recorders will be kept at school for the duration of the Recorder Unit and will be stored in the Music room.  Recorders will be sent home when we finish our Recorder Unit at the end of March.   


Thank you for your support of this very important music activity. 


Julie Kawchuk   

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