Friday, June 2, 2023

Friday, June 2nd, 2023

 Hello Families,

A few of the exciting things that we did this week were:

- learning about the relationship between decimals and fractions.

- engaging in a version of the animal game to help further our understanding of food chains.  Ask your child about the game and what level of the food chain they were!

- attending the sharing assembly put on by Rooms 11 & 13.  The focused on the importance of getting outside and learning from nature, as well as how the outdoors can be a great way to support positive mental health.

- conducting research on the Haudenosaunee/Iroquois Confederacy, specifically in terms of their form of democracy. Many students pointed out that it is different than the other societies that we have looked at, as a group of women choose the leaders within the clans.

- continuing our learning around Alberta wetland habitats and the various trees and forests.  Students explores the concepts of ecosystems, the nutrient cycle, life cycles of plants and animals, food chains/web, as well as characteristics of leaves and trees.

Below are a few pictures of outdoor school for you to check out!  The students really did have a great time filled with wonderful new experiences, from food, activities, people and learning.


- Rugby starts on Monday!  If you have not already sent in your child's form, please do on Monday, so that they can participate.

- HAWCS Visit

We are very excited for an opportunity that has been provided to us by Mr. Conlin, Chief Engineer for the Calgary Police Service, Air Support Unit. On the morning of  Monday, June 5 one of the HAWCS helicopters will be visiting our school and doing a 45 minute presentation in our field. This is a unique opportunity for all students, in particular grade 6, who study air and aerodynamics as part of their science curriculum. The helicopter will land in the school field as classes watch with their teachers, from a safe distance. Once the helicopter has landed and shut down, the students will be brought over to sit in a large semi-circle beside the helicopter with their teachers.  The Pilot, Flight Officer, and Mr. Conlin, will do a brief presentation on the team and what they do.  Grade 6 students will then ask a series of prepared questions, about the aircraft, the operation, or aviation in general.  Once the questions are answered, the younger grades will return back to their learning with their teacher.  Grade 5-6 students will then have a brief, closer look at the aircraft.  The Grade 5-6 students will then have the opportunity to watch the helicopter start up and depart from a safe location.  

If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher for more information. 

- KiDoodlED

Thank you to the MacRaild family for nominating our school to win $10,000 in the KiDoodlED contest. We appreciate you creating a video to submit our entry! We could be one of 50 schools to win $10,000. We can vote every day! Voting is from now until June 15. We encourage you to share and vote daily to increase our chances. 

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